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Hi there! I'm Eva

I come from a small town in northeast Ohio, and when there isn't much to do - which is admittingly quite often - I like to pass the time refining my skillset. Some days, that means taking on design projects for fun, others that might mean spending two hours in the gym. Some days that might just mean practicing my textile work through sewing or crocheting while I watch my most recent favorite TV show or listen to a podcast. 


While I love my small town Ohio life, I live for travel. I wouldn't be who I am today without it. Some of the most inpiring things in my life have come from seeing what the rest of the world is about. I've been fortunate enough to study abroad in Florence, Italy for a semester, and the things a person can learn from being immersed in a different culture is something that just can't be taught. Not to mention, the connections and relationships I've made through my ventures. 


At the end of the day, I am driven by my passion for learning, from discovering a new hobby to figuring out how to be the best at it that I can be. 



Finding my inner fiber artist through knit and crochet


Learning Spanish and Italian


Planning a wedding with my high school sweetheart

That was fun.

If you want to learn more about me or what I’m working on, check out my socials on the right.

If you're interested,
consider checking out my resume.

I'm always looking for more chances to collaborate and would love to hear from  you.

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